
Reiki Therapy Los Angeles

Holistic forms of treatment for mental health disorders and substance abuse are becoming more common throughout inpatient and outpatient facilities. Holistic therapies can be used to enhance overall wellness in conjunction with traditional therapeutic approaches. Reiki is a holisitic, safe therapy that can be used to help treat symptoms of mental health disorders and addiction.

No Matter What Recovery provides reiki therapy in Los Angeles as a complementary approach to treating mental health disorders and addiction. Although this practice has a spiritual nature, it is not affiliated with any specific religious organization or sect.

What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a holistic and complementary approach that uses energy as a healing technique. The healing energy expressed during reiki sessions can be used to self-heal. The Reiki instructor does not heal the patient directly but instead is helping to channel the energy. Reiki is a spiritual practice although it can have therapeutic benefits.

History of Reiki

Reiki originated in Japan and the word reiki comes from the combination of two Japanese words “rei” and “ki”. “Rei” translates to higher power or wisdom of God, while “ki” translates to life force energy. The combination of these two words together means the “spiritually guided life force energy”.

The most common form of reiki used in the US was originally founded in Japan by Mikao Usui during the 1920s. During the last four years of Mikao’s life he traveled throughout Japan sharing his teachings to over 2,000 students. However, Mikao only trained 16 of those students to become Reiki masters.

What to Expect?

Reiki sessions typically last about one hour or longer. The treatment is performed while lying down on a standard massage table and while fully clothed. The practitioner will place their hands lightly on or near the body including positions around the head, shoulders, stomach, feet or other places based on the client’s needs.

Traditionally there is little to no talking during a Reiki session, but can be based on client’s needs. The treatment may take place anywhere but the ideal setting is peaceful and private. Crystals and chakra healing wands may be used to enable the practioner’s healing touch.

Health Benefits

The most common reports after a reiki session are feelings of relaxation and a reduction of stress. The gentle techniques used in reiki may be calming for people who find intrusive therapy, stress, or fear overwhelming.

Conditions Treated

Reiki can help many physical and emotional conditions as an alternative medicine. Reiki is not known to cure medical or mental health conditions but can be used as a complementary treatment.

Conditions that can benefit from Reiki include:

Get Reiki Massage Therapy for Addiction Recovery

Reiki massage therapy can be used a holistic form of treatment in mental health and addiction treatment centers. Addiction and mental health disorders are commonly associated with symptoms of stress, denial, and unhealthy behaviors. When combined with traditional treatments, reiki can help relieve symptoms and promote relaxation.

No Matter What Recovery in Los Angeles, CA, offers reiki as a part of treatment for people who struggle with addiction and mental health disorders. Reiki is used as a complementary holisitic method in addition to evidence-based therapies.

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction or a mental health disorder, contact No Matter What today. Our team can help answer any questions you may have and give you a better understanding of our program.