
Virtual Chemistry

Virtual CHEMistry: Life and Connection Beyond Sexualized Drug Use

Thursdays, starting 12/12/24


Zoom link: 


Meeting ID: 869 4237 9540

Passcode: 729883

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Join No Matter What Recovery Executive Director Mell McCracken (they/them) for a weekly conversation on recovery from chemsex and discover more fulfilling levels of sobriety, sex, and intimacy. 

This weekly group (Thursdays, from 4-5p PST via Zoom) is recovery driven and will focus on navigating sexual recovery planning in sobriety. If you are interested in improving your sexual health, deepening your recovery, and connecting more effectively with yourself and others, then you are a candidate for participation. This group is process-oriented and specific topics will vary from week to week. This is a support group, not a therapy group.

Sexualized drug use refers to the consumption of drugs specifically to enhance or facilitate sexual experiences. This practice often involves substances such as methamphetamine, GHB/GBL, and mephedrone, which are known to increase stamina, help sexual arousal, enhance pleasure, and reduce inhibitions during sexual activity. 

The prevalence of this behavior within the LGBTQ+ community can be linked to various social and cultural dynamics, including the search for enhanced sexual experiences and social bonding. Studies from several countries showed that a proportion of men who have sex with men (MSM), ranging from 17% to 38.9%, practice chemsex. These studies indicate the need for targeted health interventions and support systems to address the associated risks.

Picture of Mell McCracken, CADC-II, ASAT, RAE

Mell McCracken, CADC-II, ASAT, RAE

Mell McCracken CADC II, ASAT, RAE is nationally and internationally recognized as an LGBT+ educator, co-author, and treatment provider. They also serve as faculty member at the International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Specialists. They are committed to uplifting voices and breaking stigmas, one conversation at a time, and have spent their career fighting for inclusivity and empowerment through chemsex education and LGBT+ activism.