
Chemsex Addiction
in Los Angeles

Clinically Reviewed by: Mell McCracken

Chemsex addiction, a critical and often overlooked issue within the LGBTQ+ community, involves the use of drugs like crystal meth, GHB, and mephedrone during sexual activity to enhance pleasure and endurance. This type of substance use, while providing temporary euphoria, poses severe psychological and health risks, necessitating specialized treatment approaches.

Chemsex addiction represents a complex and increasingly recognized challenge within certain segments of the LGBTQ+ community. It involves the intentional use of psychoactive drugs during sexual activities to enhance sensory experiences and extend the duration of sexual encounters. This practice, while not exclusive to LGBTQ+ individuals, is particularly prevalent among gay and bisexual men. The substances typically involved in chemsex—primarily crystal methamphetamine, GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid), and mephedrone—are known for their potent effects on lowering inhibitions and increasing sexual arousal and stamina.


Defining Chemsex

Chemsex is distinct from recreational drug use due to its direct association with sexual activity. It typically involves administering drugs in a planned, often group, setting, or “chemsex party,” with the primary intention of engaging in prolonged sexual sessions. These sessions can sometimes last for several days, during which participants may continuously use one or more substances to maintain their physical and psychological readiness for sexual activity. The most commonly used substances include: 

  • Crystal Methamphetamine: Known for its powerful stimulant effects, crystal meth increases libido and stamina but also poses high risks of addiction and severe physical health issues.
  • GHB/GBL: Often referred to as liquid ecstasy, GHB enhances euphoria and sociability but can dangerously depress the central nervous system leading to unconsciousness or death, particularly if overdosed.
  • Mephedrone: Sometimes called ‘meow meow’, it is a stimulant drug that produces effects similar to those of cocaine and MDMA, encouraging intense feelings of connection and pleasure.

The Intersection of LGBTQ+ Identities and Chemsex

Chemsex is deeply intertwined with the social, psychological, and cultural dynamics of the LGBTQ+ community, especially in urban centers. Many individuals turn to chemsex as a way to cope with the challenges they face, such as discrimination, social stigma, and internalized homophobia. The use of drugs in sexual contexts is often a means to alleviate feelings of loneliness and enhance a sense of connection with others, albeit temporarily.

For some, chemsex provides a temporary escape from the pressures and prejudices of daily life, offering a heightened sense of belonging and acceptance within their community. However, this escape can come with a high price, leading to dependency both on substances and the social contexts they are used in, which often perpetuates cycles of marginalization and health disparities.

By understanding chemsex not just as a medical issue but as a complex socio-cultural phenomenon, treatment approaches can be better tailored to address the underlying issues contributing to this addiction. No Matter What Recovery aims to provide a comprehensive support system that addresses both the physical aspects of detoxification and the psychological needs of those recovering from chemsex addiction, ensuring a holistic approach to healing and recovery.

The Challenges of Chemsex Addiction

Psychological Impact

The psychological ramifications of chemsex are profound. Users often experience heightened feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety when the drugs wear off, which can perpetuate the cycle of addiction. This can lead to a dependency not only on the drugs but also on the social and sexual connections facilitated by chemsex, complicating the emotional and mental health landscape.

Social and Health Risks

Engaging in chemsex increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, and can lead to serious physical health issues, such as overdose and neurological damage. The intense and repeated drug use during sessions can compromise the immune system and lead to other long-term health complications.

Start Healing Today.

Our Approach to Chemsex Addiction Treatment

Individualized Care Plans

At No Matter What Recovery, we tailor our treatment programs to meet the unique needs of each individual, recognizing that every journey to recovery is different. Our approach integrates multiple facets of health—physical, psychological, and social—to build a comprehensive care plan that supports all aspects of recovery.

Medical and Psychological Support

Our team of healthcare professionals provides comprehensive support, addressing both the medical detoxification process and the psychological aspects of addiction. This includes access to medical professionals who specialize in addiction treatment as well as mental health counselors who understand the unique challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community.

Group Therapy and Community Building

Group sessions and community support networks are vital for recovery, offering a space for shared experiences and mutual support within the LGBTQ+ community. These groups not only provide emotional and moral support but also help individuals develop new social skills outside of the chemsex environment.

Treatment Modalities Used in Chemsex Addiction

CBT is a cornerstone of chemsex addiction treatment, helping individuals modify negative behaviors and thought patterns related to substance use. It addresses the underlying psychological triggers for drug use and helps develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Sexual Recovery Planning

Treatment for chemsex also includes helping individuals create a sexual recovery plan as well as intensive relapse prevention planning. Reclaiming sex and sexuality after the devastating effects of chemsex is a priority in the treatment process.

Why Choose No Matter What Recovery

Specialized Care for LGBTQ+ Community

Our program is designed specifically for the LGBTQ+ community, addressing the unique challenges faced by our clients. This specialization ensures that our treatment modalities are relevant and effective, providing a supportive and understanding environment for recovery.

Confidentiality and Respect

We uphold the highest standards of confidentiality and respect, creating a safe and welcoming environment for all participants. Our commitment to privacy and dignity is fundamental to our treatment philosophy.

Steps to Begin Your Recovery Journey

Initial Consultation

The process begins with an initial consultation to assess the individual’s needs and outline potential treatment options. This consultation is confidential and provides a foundation for developing a personalized treatment plan.

Customized Treatment Planning

Each treatment plan is customized, incorporating various therapeutic modalities to provide the most effective care. This plan is continuously adjusted based on the individual’s progress and specific recovery needs.

Ongoing Support and Aftercare

Recovery is a lifelong journey. We offer ongoing support and aftercare programs to help maintain sobriety and manage relapse triggers. These programs include continued therapy, support groups, and wellness activities to support a healthy lifestyle.

Overcome Addiction at No Matter What Recovery

At No Matter What Recovery, we understand the complexities of chemsex addiction, especially within the LGBTQ+ community. Our dedicated team is committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive care tailored to each individual’s needs. If you or someone you know is struggling with chemsex addiction or another form of drug addiction, reach out today. Recovery is possible, and it starts here at No Matter What Recovery.

Chemsex Addiction FAQs

Chemsex addiction refers to the compulsive use of drugs in combination with sexual activity, specifically within some segments of the LGBTQ+ community. It involves drugs that enhance sexual pleasure and endurance but often lead to serious physical and mental health issues.

Chemsex can have severe mental health impacts, including depression, anxiety, and feelings of isolation. The use of stimulants and depressants in a sexual context can disrupt normal emotional responses and contribute to both immediate and long-term psychological distress.

Treatment options for chemsex addiction at No Matter What Recovery include medical detoxification, psychological counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, peer support groups, and specialized programs designed to address the unique needs of the LGBTQ+ community.

Specialized treatment is crucial because it addresses the specific cultural and social dynamics that can influence chemsex behaviors in the LGBTQ+ community. Tailored treatments ensure that recovery approaches are effective, sensitive, and supportive of the individuals’ identities and experiences.

Chemsex and Party and Play (PnP) both involve using drugs to enhance sexual experiences but are not identical. Chemsex typically involves specific drugs like crystal meth or GHB primarily among gay and bisexual men, while PnP can include various drugs and is not limited to any sexual orientation. Both practices pose significant health risks.

Recognizing chemsex addiction involves identifying key behaviors such as a compulsion to use drugs for sex, continued use despite negative consequences, and failed attempts to quit. If you find yourself increasingly relying on substances to engage in sexual activity and unable to stop despite facing health, relationship, or legal issues, it might be time to seek help. Addressing these issues early can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

This page has been Clinically reviewed by:
Mell McCracken, CADC-II, ASAT, RAE

Mell McCracken, CADC-II, ASAT, RAE

Mell McCracken is the Executive Director of No Matter What Recovery, serving as the leader of the clinical treatment program and overseeing our sexualized drug use curriculum.

Mell is nationally and internationally recognized as an LGBT+ educator, co-author, and treatment provider. They also serve as faculty member at the International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Specialists. They are committed to uplifting voices and breaking stigmas, one conversation at a time, and have spent their career fighting for inclusivity and empowerment through chemsex education and LGBT+ activism.